Taking the High Road

This topic has been weighing on me lately. It seems many of the sacrifices good parents make could also be said of good leaders. Leaders spend much of their time on stage. I am not sure if many of them realize how much the things they say and do get analyzed by those who work for them. Leaders often become protagonists or antagonists in the hallway stories. Leaders need to realize they set the culture, the morale, and the work ethic within their organizations. While there are many points we could make on this topic, here are a few that stand out to me. Continue reading

Watch Out! Don’t Crash!

During a recent shopping trip, I witnessed a car accident. It was almost surreal how it played out. When I pulled into the parking spot, a woman in the car in front of me was preparing to back out. I noticed there was a car stopped behind her. As I got out of my car, the woman began backing out. The stopped car began honking. The woman who was backing out seemed to be looking straight ahead, instead of in the rearview mirror. The other car continued honking as I yelled the only thing I could think of: “Hey, lady!” She didn’t stop until she hit the other car.  Continue reading

Even the Little People

I was watching the latest Winnie the Pooh movie with my daughter. Being too lazy to get up and turn the movie off, I watched the credits. I loved when I saw an entry for the person with the role “caffeination.” Movies do a great job of giving each and every person credit for the work they did on the movie.

The person on Winnie the Pooh ensured coffee was readily available when needed. This allowed each member on the set to focus on their roles and not have their time taken away by making their own coffee or even leaving to get coffee.  Continue reading

Take That Back!

I have to admit, I’m a closet Glee fan. Often, I wish my life was Glee. Oh, to be singing and dancing my way through life! But then a scene with the antagonist, Coach Sylvester, comes on, and I’m thankful that I don’t know a soul like her. But I digress. There is an episode where Coach Sylvester tells a kid to take a tube of toothpaste and squirt it into his hand. After a nice blob has formed she tells him, “Now put it back.” Her point is that once news is out, no matter if it’s true or not, it can’t be erased.  Continue reading