Be More Successful by Not Working

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” During college that was a common phrase among my friends. It was the embodiment of our “go, go, go” mentality. After college it changed from balancing school, homework, and social activities, to balancing work, personal development, family and friends, volunteering, and more! It is so easy to fill our lives with good things and forget to rest and take a break.

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6 Tips to Control Your E-Mail Instead of Letting It Control You

Just throw it away! Or at least file it! I’m talking about those thousands of e-mails in your inbox. For those of you who are like me and have less than twenty e-mails in your inbox, this post isn’t for you. However, for those of you who have mentioned you have 1,900, 6,000, or that special person who has 67,000 e-mails in your inbox, pay attention!

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3 Reasons to Stop Shooting for the Moon

My philosophy has always been, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” I’m a firm believer in Jim Collins’ BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). Dreaming big builds excitement and enthusiasm that propels us into the future. It also allows the creativity to flow and generate new goals and ideas. However, there are times when big goals are simply unrealistic to the point they work against you.

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Who Moved the Bar?

“You’ve inspired me to do more.”

“When you stood up for what you believed, I knew I needed to as well.”

Nice compliments, right? For me, it was eye-opening. As a speaker and writer, I am always hoping someone is inspired by my words, that maybe, I have packaged information in just the right way to really connect with a person’s desire to improve. But these recent incidents had nothing to do with my blog or speaking events. These were people who I touched through mundane day-to-day events.

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