Burn the Canoe

A disclaimer: this story isn’t mine. It was from a wonderful presentation I heard at a conference; however, it’s very timely with what I’ve been blogging this week.

There was a tribe of Native Americans that lived across the lake from an enemy tribe. The chief was preparing his braves to launch an attack. They rowed across the lake in their canoes. When they reached the shore, the chief ordered them to burn the canoes. They entered the enemy village and conquered the tribe.

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Signs of a Dream Killer

Beware the dream killer. The dream killer is a master of disguise, often masquerading as someone who loves you and proclaims to have your best interest at heart. The dream killer loves to tell you all the reasons why your dream won’t work or why you are foolish for following it. The dream killer insists that you should be more practical, safer.

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Who Am I?

It’s not a riddle. I am made up of the experiences I have encountered in my life, and I firmly believe they are all leading up to something bigger. I think tough things happen in our lives to help us grow and push us. A person is defined by the choice they make at that crossroad. To overcome the obstacle encourages growth in wisdom, courage, self-confidence, and purpose.

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Using Strengths to Compensate for Weaknesses

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I have a difficult time showing people how valuable they are. Instant, positive connections don’t happen for me very often. I do want to directly increase my ability to inspire people and make people feel valued; however, I’ve found there are also indirect ways to increase it.

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You Were Born This Way, so What?

How many times have you heard, “Be true to yourself,” “Everyone is perfect the way they are,” “It’s okay, I was born this way.” I have a contention with that mentality.  It’s true: everyone has a unique set of skills which makes them special. Each person contributes to their world in a way in which only they can do. However, each person is born with flaws.

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Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Goals

I can’t do anything when my daughter is awake. I’m tired. I’ve worked hard, I deserve a break. Excuses, excuses, excuses – that is what I was full of. It’s amazing how easy it is to rationalize laziness, lack of focus, or complacency. We live in such an entitled society that it’s hard to do what’s necessary to obtain our dreams.

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How Well Do You Know You?

There was a funny Cosby episode where Olivia asks Dr. Huxtable to see how tall she was. She stands against the wall, and Cliff marks the appropriate spot. Shortly thereafter she asks to be measured again. When he insists there is no way for her to be any taller, she exclaims, “I know my body!”

To be successful we have to know ourselves – more than just our bodies, though. We have to understand what makes us tick, our strong points, our weaknesses, and what really gets to us. I love personality profiles: Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, The Color Code, DISC, any one that I can afford, I take. This has given me a strong understanding of who I am. It has heightened my self-awareness, and I am more easily able to control myself in different situations. I still haven’t mastered my know-it-all syndrome, though (much to my peers’ dismay).

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