The Cost of Doing What’s Right

A greater emphasis is being placed on transparency within our culture. Transparency within companies is being demanded, and with the increasing usage of social media, a company’s actions are magnified and communicated exponentially. People are not afraid to tweet, post, or blog about the experiences they have had with companies. What should we be doing to protect our companies from dissatisfied customers? Some react by withdrawing and attempting social media anonymity. Companies miss great opportunities when they do this!

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How Accountability Can Help Your Discipline

Why is it easier to have success in some areas of our lives but not all areas? I can easily hold myself accountable in learning and advancing myself as a leader, but I have zero discipline when it comes to exercising. My first instinct is to chastise myself and wonder why I so frequently fail in my resolve, especially when attaining my goals would result in high pay-offs. After reflection, I realized I have yet to meet a person who is disciplined in every area of their life.

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More Important than Talent

Did you know there was a guy smarter than Einstein? Do you know his name? I don’t remember it. Why? Because talent doesn’t equate to success. I personally know a lot of talented people who waste their lives…brilliant people. Why? They aren’t willing to do what’s necessary to succeed. Here are a few tips to get you ahead of the pack: Continue reading

Guest Post: The Three Factors That Can Lead You to a Career You LOVE

How often have you taken the time to think about what really interests you at work, what has perhaps shaped the career choices you have made so far?  Think about those times when you get really absorbed in something; the time flies by, doesn’t it? Why is this important?  Because it’s all about bringing more of yourself to work. When you really enjoy what you do, you are more likely to perform well and be satisfied with your career. What comes to your mind when you think of career satisfaction?  Continue reading

What’s in It for Me?

Dale Carnegie wrote a great book – well, at least I think it’s a great book; I’ve read the first half of the book four times, but have yet to finish it. How to Win Friends and Influence People has stood the test of time. Recently I have wanted to give this book to a few people after observing their methods of getting what they want.

People don’t care what you want, they care about what they want, whether it’s your team, a customer service representative on the phone, or your neighbor. If we are not selfish people, we actually do care what other people want to a degree. However, when looking from a 50,000 foot perspective over time, we move through life with significant focus on ourselves. Some are better at moving the focus off themselves onto others, but that is not the focus of this post. For a moment, assume that to some degree, people do engage in self-focus.  Continue reading